TQC Update August 2020
The time has come for another TQC update. As lockdown restrictions are eased in the UK, more TQC employees are making their way back into the office and factory. Throughout the UK lockdown TQC remained open with several engineers based at the factory with social distancing and safe working measures in place. The rest of our office-based employees were working from home, creating office spaces out of living spaces and adapting to a new way of working. Fortunately, through remote desktop working our design engineers have been able to access our design software while at home which allowed us to continue designing and creating machines and systems for our customers during this difficult time.
The last few weeks have seen some great changes here at TQC. We have welcomed two new employees, Philip and Mark, who we are so glad to have with us. The lockdown caused the recruiting and onboarding process to be entirely virtual, which was a new experience for us. We are excited to see both of them now settling into working with us all.
Alongside our growing team, we have had several exciting announcements. We have successfully embarked on a project with Legume Technology, The MTC, Omron, and Farm-Ag International to bring a novel inoculant system to smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa. Additionally, we have been awarded a grant from D2N2 Growth Hub to upgrade the hardware and software for our CAD systems to the latest versions. Our design engineers are thrilled about this and can’t wait for the speed improvements. Lastly, we have renewed our ISO9001 accreditation that allows us to continue to provide services that meet these regulatory requirements.
The last few months have certainly been challenging but here at TQC we are excited to help change how the new normal looks. As client sites have been gradually reopening, our engineers have been working hard to get our machines shipped and up and running for our clients.
We know automation and robotics will continue to play a large role in the future of many existing industry sectors, including the automotive and medical sectors, and we expect many others will adopt more automation in these changing times. TQC look forward to discussing how we can help you reach your best potential.
We hope you found this TQC update of interest and welcome you to follow us on LinkedIn for our latest news