TQC Update December 2019
2019 was a difficult and challenging year with the ongoing issues of Brexit causing delays within various industry sectors. Overall TQC has completed a better than expected year with orders continuing to be received and various leak testing and assembly machines and systems successfully delivered and installed by our Engineering Team.
One of the notable highlights of the year includes the supply of a third system for the automatic assembly and leak testing of automotive tyre sensors for a leading plastic moulding company. This robotic solution takes the overall throughput for these sensors to over 2,500 per hour across the 3 systems.
Further leak testing solutions have been supplied to companies in the automotive and pharmaceutical sectors and this includes equipment into a global leader in high-tech filtration which TQC worked with over 10 years ago and has again successfully completed 3 more system leak testing and robotic handling solutions. The machines supplied over 10 years ago are still being used and supported by TQC.
Other bespoke, special purpose equipment supplied this year includes assembly fixtures for modular aircraft seating and a semi-automatic solution for the assembly of high specification automotive speaker grilles.
TQC completed a 3 year European funded project in October. TAMI was involved a generic leak testing facility used on aircraft systems. A full write up on this can be found here
Finally TQC can report having a successful year supporting many of our existing customers with the supply of more automatic sealing connectors for their new applications and carrying out a large number of service and calibration visits.
TQC are looking forward to 2020 hoping that now Brexit has been resolved projects can now progress and a large number of automated assembly and test solutions can be supplied to new and existing customers.